Yag world adventure game все варианты

Эта игра имеет новый уровень графики, яркие и увлекательные эпизоды. Скачать ее можно на нашем сайте в категории . Интересный сюжет и окружающий динамичный мир смогут занять Ваше свободное время и не дадут Вам скучать. Установить и запустить игру достаточно просто. Развивайте свои таланты и способности вместе с персонажами. Вы также можете менять настройки управления.

Никто не поспорит с тем, что иметь в своем распоряжении хорошее средство проведения досуга, которое позволит вам, провести массу времени позабыв о тревогах и заботах повседневной жизни, то весьма достойный, и запоминающийся представитель категории , это, скорее всего то, что вам необходимо. Эту игру вы сможете загрузить совершенно бесплатно, на нашем игровом портале, и, установив, провести досуг с пользой и удовольствием.

Совершите увлекательное путешествие, отправиться в которое вас заставит потерянный дедушка, в прекрасной игре World Adventure, которую скачать мы вам предлагаем без регистрации на сайте и абсолютно безвозмездно , то есть бесплатно!

Ну что, вы готовы к приключениям? Тогда полный вперед! Совершите кругосветное путешествие, с одной единственной целью, чтобы разыскать своего пропавшего дедушку, а вместе с ним и пропавшие артефакты. Это очень важные и практически драгоценные экспонаты, которые так же бесследно исчезли из музея вместе с дедушкой! На помощь вам будет дан дневник дедушки, он и станет вашим путеводителем в этом увлекательном путешествии по всей планете, по всем континентам, по всем уголках нашей планеты.

Игра World Adventure создана в свежей вариации классического геймплея "3-в-ряд", то есть придется по душе и взрослым и маленьким. Премините стратегическое мышление, для того, чтобы продвинуться в поисках и дойти до цели. По ходу игры собирайте коллекцию артефактов, которая сделает ваш музей популярнее!

Вы находитесь на странице игры Legacy: World Adventure, созданной в жанре Логическая игра, где можно найти много полезной информации. Игра выпущена студией Big Blue Bubble. Найденное у нас прохождение игры Legacy: World Adventure поможет быстрее решить внутриигровые проблемы и получить подсказки по сложным моментам. Также к игре Legacy: World Adventure коды и читы просто необходимы каждому, кто любит получать бесплатные бонусы.

Учитывая, что игра Legacy: World Adventure не выходила на русском языке, вам явно понадобится русификатор, чтобы сделать игру понятнее, ведь прохождение на родном языке намного приятнее. Вы будете играть в одиночку, проходя каждый этап без чьей-либо помощи.

Рецензии и отзывы читателей помогут вам понять, стоит ли игра вашего времени. Учитывая, что игра вышла 2009-04-13, можно сказать, что она может выглядеть малоинтересно.

Помимо общих данных, вам могут понадобиться разнообразные файлы. Используйте дополнения, когда устали от основного сюжета – они существенно расширят стандартные возможности. Моды и патчи помогут разнообразить и исправить игровой процесс. Скачать их вы сможете в нашем хранилище файлов.

Is a Facebook game developed by Zynga that sends you on an exciting adventure around the world! Gamezebo’s strategy guide and walkthrough will provide you with a quick start guide, tips and tricks, hints, and cheats to help you on your globe trotting adventure.

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

Base Camp

No matter where your adventure takes you, your base camp is the your home away from home. Here, you can buy new equipment in the adventure shop, collect fuel/food/water, order supplies via boat, read mail from your fellow adventurers, or do some gardening to find coins around your camp.

By clicking on the “Build” button you can buy several excavation sites you can place around your camp, earning you money over time. In the shadows around the base you can find several archaeological sites. From the build menu, you can buy base camp expansions, which allow you to open up those sites, which will earn you many more coins that recharge over time.

In your base camp, you will also find one of three resource buildings, which will either give you food, oil, or water. These are resources you will need for going on adventures or expeditions, and which will regenerate in the building over time. However, you only have one of these buildings in your own camp, so you will need to visit your friends’ camps in order to collect all these resources. If you don’t have any friends playing the game, you can also collect all three resources from the professor’s camp.

Your Next Destination

In , there are two types of adventures you can venture out on: the adventures and the expeditions.

Adventures are the main quests: by completing these, you advance further in the game, unlocking new chapters as you complete all the adventures in one location. In order to open up a new adventure, you need to have gathered a minimum number of resources, as well as a minimum number of friends. If you don’t have enough friends, you can unlock extra helpers by trading in collections of items that you have gathered in the expeditions.

Expeditions are the side quests of . They earn you money, experience, and items so that you are prepared for the adventure. Plus, they’re just fun to play. While expeditions are much the same as adventures in terms of how you play, there are a few differences in the rules. For one, you will not only need resources to go on an expedition, but you will also need supplies. The biggest difference however is the time limit: you have a limited amount of time to complete an expedition, and if you run out of time, you will need to start that expedition all over again. While it doesn’t mean you’re on a time crunch, it does mean you need to pay attention, and not leave the game unattended for a few days while you’re on an expedition.

Expeditions can also be replayed if wanted, or needed. As certain new adventures or expeditions can require a minimum level, replaying expeditions can give you the experience points needed to level up.

Setting Out On a Quest

When you enter a new adventure or expedition, here-after referred to as a quest, you will see a list of missions on the left side of your screen. Some missions might not be visible right away, but if you follow the hint, it will open up. The descriptions for the missions are usually quite straight-forward, but if you’re ever stuck, clicking the “Show Me” button will show you where you can find the next part of the mission.

Sometimes, the items that you are looking for might be hidden in underground caves. If you really can’t figure out where to go next, make sure that you cut every bush and break every rock to find any possible hidden caves.

Tip : While cutting bushes, be careful if you see a moving bush: this means a snake is hiding inside While you can’t always avoid these bushes, when you don’t feel like fighting a snake, look for another way around.

One of the most challenging parts of are the traps. It is possible to deal with a trap by just walking into it and then breaking it, but it costs a lot of energy and doesn’t give you any bonus coins. Finding the ancient statue that belongs to traps is a quick and easy way to break them. Just look around for a statue of the same color; there is always one that you can reach without having to go through a trap.

Tip : Before breaking a trap, there are some instances in which you can actually use it to your advantage. If a snake or another dangerous animal is behind a trap, try moving around to lure it into the trap. This way, the trap will kill it and you don’t have to fight it.

While questing, you will often come across very valuable treasures, such as jade vases, ruby vases, and azure skulls. Although these treasures are usually optional, since you don’t need them to complete a quest, they’re still worth collecting for the tempting rewards. They are usually filled to the brim with coins and any energy you spend on collecting them is often returned.

You’ll Never Walk Alone

Having friends to help you out is a very important factor in . As discussed earlier, you will need the help of a certain number of friends in order to unlock adventures, plus you will need friends in order to get the three different resources. Of course, you can also send them gifts and vice versa, and they will be able to help you out in your camp, but friends also serve another purpose in : they can become your crew on a quest.

Is probably one of the harsher games when it comes to energy (it takes eight minutes for one energy to recharge, and your energy is also your health) so whatever extra you can take or save is obviously very welcome. When going on a quest, you can hire your friends to be your crew, which means that you can use their character to make a number of moves. This is not limited to certain moves, but can be any move that your own character would do. Afterwards, you can pay your friend 50 coins (although not necessary) as a thank you.


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