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Download Smart Moving Mod 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2

What is Smart Moving Mod?

Smart Moving Mod adds many animations and new functions, giving two controls that you need to key bind, the sprinting key and the grab key. This mod is very intuitive with it’s controls allowing for a lot of new functions that allow you to navigate the terrain much faster, smoother and overall much more effectively.

Smart Moving Mod Features:

Free Climbing:

This mod implements an optional mode of free climbing behaviour. When enabled by configuration or by default you can climb everywhere you find at least a block sized horizontal edge.

To climb up you have to move forward toward the edge (default “W”) and click and hold the grab button (default “LCONTROL”).

To climb down click and hold the grab button without moving forward toward the edge.

To grab an edge while falling down along a wall, rotate towards the edge in the wall and press the grab button. If you are still falling slow enough, free climbing will start. If you are beyond a certain falling speed when grabbing, damage will be done to you.

To change this default grab button visit Minecrafts “Options”/”Controls” menu.

Ladder Climbing:

This mod implements three additional modes of ladder climbing behaviour.

Simple Mode:

  • Standard climbing on feet only ladder coverage

Smart Mode:

  • Standard climbing on complete ladder coverage
  • Slow climbing on feet only ladder coverage
  • Slow climbing on hands only ladder coverage
  • Standard climbing when “holes” in the walls next to the ladder are present (solid block/nonsolid block or half steps)

Free Mode:

  • Ladder climbing is functionally embedded in the feature free climbing .
  • Specific speeds are configurable on top of the free climbing configuration with Smart Mode -inspired default values.

Climbing along ceilings

This mod allows climbing along ceilings as long as the ceiling block supports it. Currently only the steel fence block and the closed trap door block support ceiling climbing.

To start climbing along ceilings hold the grab button when below, but not too far below, the climbable ceiling. To stop ceiling climbing simply release the grab button.

If wall climbing is also possible when pressing the grab button, wall climbing will start instead. In this case turn into the direction you want to move to start ceiling climbing.

Climbing up vines

To start climbing up vines hold the grab button when in front of a vine and hold the jump button to start climbing up.

To stop climbing up just release the jump button. To stop climbing at all release the grab button.

Configurable sneaking

This mod allows to configure the standard sneaking via the configuration file. The sneaking speed can set and sneaking can be disabled at all.

Additionally sneaking can be made togglable . When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing thesneak button again. This also works while swimming or diving.

Alternative Swimming and Diving

This mod implements optional alternative swimming and diving behaviours.

To dive jump into still water that is at least two blocks deep. Then press and hold the forward button to dive. To steer use your mouse .

To swim stop holding the forward button and press and hold the jump button instead until you reach the surface. Then press and hold the forward button again to swim. To steer use your mouse again.

To dive again stop pressing the jump button and direct your mouse toward the depths.

When you are walking in one block deep water you can switch to diving by pressing the sneak and then thegrab button. If you press the jump button before the grab button you will switch to swimming instead.

When you are swimming or divind in one block deep water you can switch to walking by pressing the grab button.

Alternative Flying

This mod implements an optional alternative flying behaviour.

It completely replaces standard flying and allows you to fly up and down via looking. The standard flyingjump to raise, sneak to fall behaviour has been reimplemented and works similar to its standard flying counterpart.

Alternative flying can be started and ended just like standard flying by double clicking the jump button.

Charged jumps

This mod implements optional, configurable charged jumps.

To start charging press and hold the jump button while sneaking on the spot. To jump either release thejump button or stop sneaking. The default maximum charge jump height is two blocks.

When you start moving while charging the charge will be lost.

Wall Jumping

This mod implements the possibility to wall jump from blocks.

To wall jump from a block press jump while being airborne, release it, and press it again before hitting the block you want to wall jump from horizontally. When you collide with the block – while not falling too fast allready – a wall jump will be triggered.

You can also head wall jump from a block instead by also pressing the grab button before hitting the block you want to wall jump from.

To cascade your wall jumps just keep pressing jump . To break your cascade release jump . Hitting the ground or head wall jumping will also break the cascade.

Head Jumps

This mod implements the possibility to jump head first instead of head up.

To head jump start sprinting and press the grab and the jump button. When the jump button is released you will jump, head first, with a angle depending on how long you pressed the jump button.

Hitting ground while falling with your head first will damage you more than hitting ground with your feet first.

Side & Back Jumps

This mod implements the possibility to jump to the side or back while straightend on ground.

To jump left double click the left button, to jump right double click the right button and to jump back double click the back button.

You can also jump back-left and back-right by double clicking both relevant buttons at once.

Climb Jumps

This mod implements the possibility to jump up and back while free climbing.

To jump up climb up as far as possible and click the jump button.

To jump back stop climbing by releasing the forward button press the sneak button to hold the height release the grab button and click the jump button.

You can also head jump back instead by not releasing the grab button after pressing the sneak button and before clicking the jump button.


This mod implements ground sliding.

To slide on the ground you have to start sprinting first. Then press the sneak button while pressing the grab button.

Additionally you can start sliding from forward jumping or flying . Just hit the ground while pressing the sneak and the grab button.

You will slide as long as the initial horizontal ground hitting speed and the ground spipperiness supports it. If the sneak button is still pressed when the sliding stops you start crawling instead.

To stop sliding before it stops itself simple stop pressing the sneak button.

Faster Sprinting and Exhaustion

This mod implements a faster, optional, configurable sprinting and exhaustion behaviour. It is merged with the standard minecraft sprinting and hunger behavior.

To sprint you have to move forward and click and hold the sprint button (default “TAB”). Sprinting is currently possible for walking , swimming diving , crawling , and climbing .
Sprinting optionally causes exhaustion and will automatically end when a certain configurable threshold is reached.

To change this default sprint button visit Minecrafts “Options”/”Controls” menu.


This mod implements an optional crawling movement to fit through 1×1 passages.

To crawl you have to press the grab and the sneak button. When climbing would be possible at you current position and direction you might start climbing instead. To avoid this press the sneak button before theclimb button to ensure to start crawling. When crawling you can release the grab button.

You can also free climb while crawling. Just move to the related edge press grab and move forward towards it.

Additionally you can free climb into a crawlable gap. Just press sneak while you climb up and you will end upcrawling in the first crawlable gap along your climb path.

Crawling can be made togglable via the configuration file. When toggled on it can be toggled off by pressing the sneak button again to enter sneaking of by pressing the jump button to stand up immediately.


This mod changes the behaviour of its features depending on the content of the configuration file “smart_moving_options.txt” in the “.minecraft” directory of your minecraft installation.

Currently the difficulty levels “Easy”, “Medium” and “Hard” are configured. You can switch between those in-game by pressing F9 (the exact button can be changed too)

More information about the configuration of this mod is included in its readme and option files.

Previous option files like “smart_climbing_options.txt” and “smart_ladder_climbing_speed_options.txt” are still accepted but their content is eventually overridden by the content of existing more actual option files.

If no option files are present at all, the default option values (all features, default configuration) will be used.

If an option is not present in the files, the corresponding default value will be used.

The option “move.options.version” will be used for cross version compatibility.

Review and Smart Moving installation tutorial

How to install:

  • Download and install
  • Download and install Player API .
  • Download and install Render Player API . (optional)
  • Download the mod .
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft /mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod .

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  • smart moving 1 10 2
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Вышла новая версия мода!

Уважаемые посетители и гости моего сайта, хочу порадовать вас очень интересным модом для minecraft который сделает игру интересней. Он изменит анимацию персонажа и теперь вы сможете совершенно по новому передвигаться по миру майнкрафт.

Smart Moving Mod - это очень популярный мод который давно полюбился тысячам игроков в майнкрафт. Эта модификация кардинально изменит физику передвижения вашего персонажа в игре. Если сказать просто то ты сможешь очень легко передвигаться по игровому миру почти как Принц Персии. А точнее теперь можно будет карабкаться по стенам, нырять в воду щучкой, цепляться за края блоков и таким образом двигаться чтобы не упасть с обрыва.

Этот мод также станет для тебя очень полезным потому что теперь ты сможешь покорить самые крутые и высокие горы. А еще анимация движения твоего персонажа станет на много симпатичней и интересней.

В общем после установке данного . Потому что сам персонаж будет смотреться в игре как настоящий, а передвигаться в ней он будет как настоящий человек.

Я уверен что этот мод заинтересовал тебя. Подробней ознакомиться с ним можно посмотрев на его видео обзор.


Видео обзор мода:

На видео все подробно видно и понятна вся суть мода. Я как и вы очень полюбил эту модификацию. Спешите ее установить и насладиться качественной и реалистичной игрой.

Установить или
Установить (нужен если устанавливаешь мод с помощью )

With a great mod like this being introduced into the game of minecraft, it is safe to conclude that now you can achieve that which you thought was actually impossible. This is a mod which seems to have endless possibilities. Just as the name sounds, makes things to be possible in the game of minecraft . You will enjoy this mod if you are using or some other versions. This is because of its combination of dynamism and creativity to the game that seems unbeatable.

Have you ever imagined that you could do live your everyday life beyond the basic and default ways of doing things? We are talking about movements such as trying to walk, crouching or even springing. With the advent of Smart Moving Mod, you are just about to do an upgrade in your movements by doing what has always been impossible.

This is because you will be able to some sprinting that are very fast, climb over any form obstacle that you might have been experiencing before now, jumping over walls, jump sideways as well as up and down. This is a really exciting mod right?

This mod is really perfect for you if you happen to be the type of person who feels you just need a change in the way of doing things. One major difference that you will really notice at first when you start making use of this mod is that you will be flying in such an unusual way. Just start seeing yourself as superman because you will jump the unexpected.

It has some wonderful additions that will really make you only want to ask for more of it. Also, its functionalities have been integrated into the game in such a way that they have been able to perfectly blend into the minecraft everyday life. Take for example; it makes sure that there is an improved effect when swimming. This can also been noticed when you are flying or when falling down

Features of

This mod has so many wonderful features some which will be listed below. I am sure that you can’t wait to get this one started on your minecraft 1.10.

  • You can do some sliding
  • Your jumps can be charged to make them more efficient
  • You can climb ladder with varying speed degrees
  • You climb ceilings without stress
  • Your sprinting becomes very fast than what it used to be.

How to Install Smart Moving Mod 1.11?

  1. Download and install .
  2. Download .
  3. Open the Mods folder for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%\.minecraft/mods.
  4. Drag the files to your mods folder (once downloaded Minecraft Forge and test it should auto create this folder).
  5. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Smart Moving Mod

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below.”
Official Links for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.10/1.9/1.8/1.7.10: