Heroes of chaos прохождение. Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса Взлом. Читы на Android и iOS. Цель игры Heroes of Order & Chaos

Первая игра в жанре МОВА, разработанная для мобильных платформ под управлением Android и iOS. Геймеры сражаются в двух режимах: 3x3 или 5x5.

Первые шаги

Каждый геймер вначале должен пройти обучающий курс. Закоренелым "дотерам" это может не понравиться, но для большинства людей вводный инструктаж просто необходим. Любому, кто ни разу не пробовал игры жанра МОВА, следует самым тщательным образом пройти обучение и усвоить основную информацию. В противном случае вы будете совершать самые нелепые ошибки на поле брани, и подведете всю команду под монастырь. Разумеется, лестных слов в свой адрес вы не услышите.


После того, как обучение пройдено, вы получаете возможность принять участие в матче. Перед стартом выбираете одного героя из 6 предложенных (эти герои бесплатные, их список обновляется каждую неделю). Игра не может похвастаться богатым выбором персонажей, но не стоит забывать, что и Дота "не сразу строилась".

Выбрав героя, вы получаете в придачу немного денег для покупки необходимых вещей. К примеру, можете приобрести мантию, которая увеличит силу заклинаний персонажа. В будущем, вы сможете выбивать деньги из противников и делать покупки в магазине. Герой обладает 4 навыками, 3 из которых могут быть улучшены 4 раза, а ультра навык - только 3 раза. Таким образом, за один матч вы сможете повысить уровень героя до 15-ого.

Главной задачей является прокачка героя: если его навыки не развиты, он является легкой добычей для других игроков, а значит - подводит свою команду. Для развития необходимо убивать крипов (воины, которые выступают на стороне врага и управляются ИИ) и героев других игроков. За это персонаж будет получать не только деньги, но и опыт, который позволит ему расти в уровне. Кстати, погибать самому не рекомендуется: если вы примите смерть от рук вражеского героя, он получит за это большое количество опыта.

Ваша конечная цель - разрушение вражеской базы.

A brilliant new MMORPG that gives you a free multiplayer online experience in the palm of your hands; Heroes of Chaos is a mass multiplayer online role playing game from the house of Koramgame. It is a warmly welcomed addition to the genre of mobile MMORPG games and has seen thousands of downloads since its release on 6th September 2016. Heroes of Chaos is available to download and play for free on iOS devices from the Apple iTunes App Store. At a size of only 91MB, the game offers superb graphics and a rich detailed environment which are upgraded frequently through updates. An internet connection is required to play this game so do ensure that you have access to Wi-Fi or an unlimited data plan.

Heroes of Chaos is basically based on the same concept as the famous legends World of Warcraft, Defense of the Ancients and League of Legends. You can choose between three guilds or factions which are the Warrior’s Guild, Summoners Guild and the Bloodline faction. Whichever side you pick, you can battle against millions of online players to gain supremacy for your faction or guild. With hundreds of heroes and tons of special abilities to choose from, Heroes of Chaos is sure to keep you wanting for more every time you play.

Like any other MMORPG, Heroes of Chaos also has a sharp learning curve for its players. You are given a brief tutorial which gets you familiar with the game mechanics and after that you are plunged into chaos to battle it out against enemies from all over the world. Heroes of Chaos does not allow matchmaking against other humans before you reach a certain level in order to make sure that you are well versed in battle gameplay and have been exposed to the different skills of the many heroes in the game. The preliminary phase where you are only matched in a queue against bots in a Co-Op match is quite easy and can be managed by almost any new player to the game.

However once player VS player matchmaking is unlocked, things really start to get going and you will not only need a lot of help from guides such as this, you will also need to practice using all kinds of heroes for different situations that you might face while playing Heroes of Chaos. Follow the tips mentioned in this guide to improve your overall gameplay and reflexes so that you can rise to become the best Hero of your region.

1. Become A Master Of Your Lane

The laning system in Heroes of Chaos is very similar to that found in legendary games like League of Legends and Defense Of The Ancients. As such, it is equally important to understand the mechanics of your lane and the proper way to deal with enemies and your allies in them. Based on the familiar three phase lane system, there is a top lane, a bottom lane and a middle (mid) lane. Your allied units or (creeps) as they are mostly called in MMORPG lingo spawn at the start of all three lanes from the barracks that are located within your base. It may seem like the distance from one faction to another varies but that is just due to the perception of the player.

The “Creep Block” Tactic

Once you have become familiar with how the creeps travel in the lanes and the overall lane structure throughout the map, it is time for you to begin learning the skills of controlling your lane. The creeps move by themselves and are controlled by the game but you can alter their predefined movement as they are blockable. This is known as a “creep block” and is a very useful technique to ensure that you always get more enemy creeps closer to your tower. This tactic also makes it very difficult for your enemy to take any last hits on your creeps which denies him a lot of experience and gold. Put short, the “creep block” tactic can gain you as much as an additional level advantage on your opponent in the lane if done properly.

In order to perform a “creep block”, you have to stand a slight distance further from the creep spawn point in front of the barracks at your base. Now wait for the minute mark on the game clock (creeps spawn at the minute mark). As soon as you see the first wave of creeps, instantly start moving ahead and then stop in line of the creeps. The first creep will try to go around you but will find his way blocked by you which will cause the other creeps to stop and pile up behind him. Now wait for them to form a horizontal line and then start moving again. Repeat this process after every 5 seconds in order to get the perfect creep block. This will take much practice and time to master but even if you manage to block the creeps partially, it will still prove to be very advantageous for you in your lane.

Lane Safety

As mentioned previously there are three different kinds of lanes on the map on both sides of the factions which are playing against each other in the game. There is a particular arrangement of width and length for each lane and you have to adjust your gameplay accordingly depending upon the lane you have chosen for your hero.

The “Mid” lane is undoubtedly the most important lane in any game. You have to become an expert in all kinds of ranged and melee heroes before you can take responsibility of handling the middle lane effectively. The middle lane has access to both top and bottom lanes as well as the neutral creep spawn area on both sides of the map. This makes the middle lane an excellent vantage point for “ganking” on unsuspecting enemy heroes as well as pushing through by destroying towers. The middle lane is the shortest route to the enemy’s base but it is also the easiest to defend for your opponents. While playing any hero in the middle lane, you always have to be aware of your surroundings and remain alert at all times. Any lapse of concentration on your part could mean an enemy ambush and possibly the destruction of your middle lane tower.

The “Top” lane is a “Safe” lane for one side of the map while it is a “hard” lane for the other side of the map. While playing in the “Safe lane” version, you have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to going beyond your tower and playing aggressively. As the tower is very close to you and quite far from the enemy, you can easily retreat if you fear an ambush is about to take place. Similarly you can come around from behind the enemy to surprise him either alone or with a teammate in tow in order to get an easy and confirm kill.

The “Bot lane” is similarly a “Hard” lane for one side of the map and a “Safe” lane for the other side. The “Hard” lane version of this lane is much harder to handle especially for players who are new to Heroes of Chaos. When playing in this lane you need to keep on a defensive footing while trying get your gold from last hits only. If last hitting seems to be risky then leave that as well and only rely on the experience that you share when enemy creeps get killed in a radius of your allied creeps. Always stay as close as possible to the tower at all times while playing on this lane. This is because the enemy will always be waiting for you to come a few steps out of your safety zone to initiate an ambush on you. A solid piece of advice for players in this lane is to just bide their time until they gain a respectable level and then go farm for gold in other lanes or help gank the enemy at the middle lane.

2. Focus On Your Last Hits

The single best reliable source of earning gold in Heroes of Chaos is killing enemy creeps and destroying towers. As there are only a limited number of towers but an infinite number of creep spawns at regular intervals throughout the duration of the game, earning gold from creep last hits is your main source of bread and butter.

The game mechanics of Heroes of Chaos are very similar to Defense of the Ancients and League of Legends in the sense that the game makes you earn your gold only and only if you manage to get the last hit on an enemy creep before it dies. This may sound easy but it becomes very hard for you to manage when there is a full wave of enemy creeps fighting against your allied creeps. In such cases, the health of an enemy creep which you are focused upon does not go down by the same percentage that you expect it to and this causes you to miss the last hit losing the gold and extra experience that come with it.

A very easy tip to follow in order to dramatically increase your last hit accuracy is to wait until the creep is at its lowest health percentage and just before it dies. Focus on the health bar of the creeps while in your lane and you will find many creeps that fit this criteria. Choose the creep with the lowest visible amount of health remaining on it health bar and then hit to kill it. Achieving a consistent level of accuracy becomes much easier if you follow this method of last hitting rather than keeping your hero on auto-attack which will cause you to mostly miss the huge amount of gold that you can collect from enemy creeps. More gold means better items and an overall advantage over the enemy team which automatically translates into much greater chances of a win for you and your team.

3. Choosing Between Melee And Ranged Heroes

In each faction, there is an ensemble of two different kinds of Heroes. “Melee” heroes are the characters which can only attack physically and from a very close range. These heroes usually wield weapons like swords, lances or axes and have a very high attack power and abilities. Their lack of range is usually compensated for by their large health points and good defensive as well as offensive skills. Similarly there are “Ranged” heroes in the game which can attack from different distances varying from character to character in the game. The Ranged heroes are usually found in the Summoners guild and have a fair bit of magic at their disposal.

This allows them to attack enemy creeps and heroes while staying at a safe distance. However these ranged heroes have much lesser hit points as compared to the stronger Melee heroes and therefore are much easier to kill. They also usually have a lower movement speed and a slow turn rate so escape is usually harder for them if caught unawares by a Melee enemy hero.

Both Melee and Ranged heroes have their uses in different games and the chances of a team winning or losing are partially already decided at the start of the game when the Hero picking phase is under process. For example, if a team has only Melee carry heroes and does not have a single Summoner Ranged hero, it will do very badly in the early game lane phases especially if the opponent team is well balanced. This hero line up has great late game potential due to the immense damage per second output of an all Melee team but it will be actually very hard for the Melee heroes to even farm the gold to make items that will help them deal that damage in the late game phase. Similarly an All-Ranged hero team is a recipe for disaster because a single Melee hero with higher attack can easily take out two to three ranged heroes without dying.

There is simply no defined criteria for choosing the line-up for your team and as the process is not under your control. You mostly just have to hope for the best and pray that your teammates make sensible decisions. However at higher payer levels, fellow teammates usually plan during the extra time before picking their heroes and aim for combination line-ups. This is an excellent strategy in most cases and creates great synergy between team members regardless of whether they know each other or not. A team that is entirely focused on taking towers or a team that includes many ganking heroes will surely be able to end the game much faster than a team which has players playing solo games in each lane. Remember, Heroes of Chaos is a team effort and you can win a game only and only if you synergize your plans with the plans of our team members.

4. Polishing Your Reflexes And Reactions

Heroes of Chaos is a game that pits your skill against the talent of thousands of players from all around the world. In order to prove yourself worthy of being called a Champion of your region you have to practice as much as you can in this game. An essential part of being called a pro player of Heroes of Chaos is to have killer reflexes and a very very short reaction time. This is a game in which team fights take at most ten to fifteen seconds and in that limited time you have to make split second decisions about which skill to use or to retreat from the enemy and save yourself from dying unnecessarily. This perfect timing that you will notice in many pro games and competitions is a product of sheer hardwork and countless hours devoted to practice in the game.

A key reflex that you need to focus on developing is the use of your skills. Instead of trying out a new hero every other day, choose a single hero that you like or you think you can play well. Give two to three hours of practice to fully understand what each skill of that hero does. Some new players get exasperated when a fight starts and begin to spam all of their skills. This is the main cause of those team fights ending badly for your side. Each of your hero skill has a defined Area of Effect and using it beyond that area will net you no damage on the enemy heroes. Also, each skill has its separate mana cost which varies wildly and spamming all skills at once will only leave you drained of all your mana. This makes any kind of escape or chasing down low health enemy heroes impossible for you.

Another reaction that you need to master is the sixth sense of detection in this game. This sense only comes with time as you play more and more games. Having a good sense means you literally get a gut feeling that something is wrong and you might be heading into an enemy ambush at times. At other times you might feel a knot in your stomach before a team fight is about to start and this allows you to anticipate the enemy’s attacks ahead of time. Use this sense to your advantage and become the ultimate Champion in Heroes of Chaos.

Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса Взлом позволит вам совершать покупки в игре совершенно бесплатно. Для того чтобы получить определенную покупку в игре, вам просто нужно ввести определенные читы для Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса. Представленные ниже читы подходят для использования на всех мобильных устройствах с Андроид и iOS, даже без рут (root) и jailbreak (jb). В игре Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса Читы вводятся очень просто. Но если вдруг вы еще не знаете куда вводить читы на Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса, то ниже вы сможете найти ссылку на инструкцию, в которой все детально описано, и вы с легкостью сможете взломать Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса. Приятной игры.

Ниже все обновленные Читы для Взлома Heroes of Chaos — Герои Хаоса

  1. 240 Magic Gems 299 р. — EJ_lHt5qiBtTz
  2. 120 Magic Gems 149 р. — XP_oZNIMazA4S
  3. 600 Magic Gems 749 р. — GB_50jkjzpJkc
  4. 300 Magic Gems 379 р. — IL_8JJfoaJXHy
  5. Monthly Card 599 р. — JV_Ca1ovgV9lx
  6. 60 Magic Gems 75 р. — CD_PyZ7Tljjmq
  7. 900 Magic Gems 1 150 р. — AC_aDSXBoKFQx

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MMORPG-экшн в киношном 3D стиле — «Heroes of Chaos» приходит в ваш телефон! Играйте в самую ожидаемую игру для мобильных платформ 2016 года, в игру нового поколения, играйте прямо сейчас! Станьте героем, чтобы спасти мир, путешествуйте в прошлое — во времена до рождения злобного «Тирана». Ваша миссия? Спасти человечество, спасти мир монстров и мир духов…

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Это мой гайд для начинающих в одном из самых интересных жанров онлайн игр, MOBA-игр — Heroes of Order & Chaos. В нем я постараюсь описать все аспекты, которые нужны для более-менее интересной на приличном уровне. Надеюсь, он вам поможет достигнуть игры на среднем уровне, и даст основы о том как играть в HOC. Совет первый — менять язык игры на английский, это правильнее, потому что нет ляпов в переводе (все изначально на нем писалось), и вы поймете о тех статах, о которых будет ниже в предметах. Итак, поехали, Heroes of Order & Chaos: гайд для новичков и начинающих играть.

в Heroes of Order & Chaos

Цель игры Heroes of Order & Chaos

Основная цель игры — уничтожить центральное здание базы противника. Чтобы до него добраться нужно уничтожить по 3 башни на каждой из линий и бараки. Чтобы можно было бить «трон» (центральное здание), необязательно уничтожать все 9 башен и 6 бараков. Достаточно лишь уничтожить 3 башни на одной линии и 2 барака на этой же линии. После этого, ваши крипы смогут доходить до вражеского «трона» и уничтожить его.Чтобы это сделать, необязательно убивать вражеских героев по КД. Главное, пропушить и не нафидить при этом)

Роли героев

Какой-то нехороший человек, очень не хорошо перевел классы, да и вообще, тут далеко не 4 роли героев, но тем не менее:

  1. Танк — класс героев, которые «жирны» и могут принять на себя все плюхи, в то время, как вы будете убивать вражескую комнаду. Примеры танка в Heroes of Order & Chaos: Паладин, Эреферн, B-12, Валокс
  2. ДД — класс героев, которые довольно «тонкие» и очень быстро умирают при фокусе, специализируются на нанесении урона с помощью авто-атаки. Примеры ДД в Heroes of Order & Chaos: Exile, Nomad Assassin, Sand Walker
  3. Саппорты — класс героев, которые обычно не фармятся и живут на ассистах, обычно помогают на линии и в 50% случаях у них в скиллах есть хил. Примеры саппорта в Heroes of Order & Chaos: Хлинт, Минотавр, Ведьма
  4. Прокастеры — класс героев, у которых есть «прокаст» из заклинаний, наносят преимущественно магический урон, имеют 2-4 дамажщих скилла, которые хорошо сочетаются друг с другом, или 2 дамажщих скилла и две пассивки, которые помогают им наносить бешеный урон. Примеры прокастера в ХОС: Мистик, Джервус, Мигров, Арчимтирос
  5. Ганкеры — класс героев, которые бегают по всем 3 линиям и помогают убивать героев, обычно имеет «контроль» в виде стана или замедления. Примеры ганкеров в HOC — Арчимтирос, Мистик, Муравей, Паладин
  6. Джанглеры — класс героев, которые первую стадию игры проводят в лесу, и ганкают из лесу. Примеры джанглеров — Арчимтирос (больше пока не знаю)

Сборки для Heroes of Order & Chaos

Сборок на персов здесь не будет. Покупайте рекомендованное, позже сами разберетесь что и кому надо покупать. Благо, кстати, в отличии от других МОБА тут не такая уж и ересь в рекомендованном.

Порядок игры в Heroes of Order & Chaos

  1. Ерли гейм (от англ. Early) — самое начало игры, длится до примерно 8-10 минуты. На этой стадии стоит усиленно фармится, пока есть возможность. Киллы делать по возможности, а еще лучше, разводить на эту самую возможность. Делается это так: вы харрасите оппонента по немногу, если он идиот и не уходит с линии при низком уровне ХП, а у вас есть стан или хорошее замедление на линии, то это ваш фраг. После того, как пропушится хотя бы одна вышка игра очень часто без перехода идет в мид гейм, даже если еще нет 8 минуты и у половины игроков нет 6 лвла. (Личное наблюдение по Доте и ЛоЛу)
  2. Мид гейм — середина игры, время, когда лейтеры должны фармится, а все остальные пушить и убивать героев. Лейтер, если уже нафармил много может пойти с ними пушить и убивать, но в 90% случаях ему надо еще «чу-чуть» пофармить, если он не расфижен по самый помидоры) В это время команда может пойти и забрать дракона с «Рошаном», если достаточно сильный, конечно. Игра обычно переходит в мид-лейт гейм к 20-25 минуте, где алгоритм действия примерно такой же.
  3. Лейт гейм — наступает примерно на 35 минуте. Обычно керри и прокастеры, если тащили ерли и мид гейм, имеют 3-4 купленных предмета (не просто предмета, а уже готовых, без доступных улучшения артефакта) и представляют серьёзную угрозу для вражеской команды (или для вашей…), и обычно их фокусят и защищают в первую очередь. Вся команда должна ходить гуськом, тут даже расфиженный керри один против 3-5 не затащит. Также, в 90% случаях, у каждой команды не более 4-5 башен на это этапе игры, а иногда и 2-3. Чаще всего, этот этап игры выигрывает та команда, который тащила другие два. Но, разумеется, вы можете убить их за один раз всех и они проиграют с позором) Но это довольно сложно сделать без опыта игры.

Разъяснения статов предметов в игре HOC

Напишу тут статы, которые имеют предметы.HP — очки здоровьяMP — манаHP\MP Regeneration — регенерация маны\здоровья. В отличии от ЛоЛа и Доты, пишет сколько единиц восстанавливает в секунду. В ЛоЛе и Доте пишет так только возле ХП\МП полосок, а на предметах в ЛоЛе пишут реген ХП\МП в 5 сек, а в Доте ХП реген в ед\сек, МП реген — в процентах от природного.Movement Speed — скорость передвижения героя. Для сокращения рекомендую называть МСPhysical Attack — физ. урон. Для сокращения рекомендую называть АДAttack Speed — скорость атаки. В атрибутах героя указана кол-во ударов в секунду, то есть, если, к примеру, значение АС 0.71, то он наносит 2 атаки в 1.5 секунды. А если 1.00, то ровно 1 атаку за секунду. Для сокращения рекомендую называть АСHarvest HP — lifesteal aka вампиризм, работает только на физических атаках (авто-атаке)Critical Rate — критMagical Attack — магическая атака, улучшает авто-атаку магов и заклинания, которые скейлятся от этой характеристики. Для сокращения рекомендую называть АП.Leech HP — spell vamp aka магический вампиризм. Работает для спелок и магической авто-атакиPhysical Defense — броня aka армор.Magical Defense — МР aka сопротивление магии

For those who are looking for a new gaming experience after their massive adventure with they can check Heroes of Chaos as the newest Action Role Playing Game that you can play on mobile device. Just don’t compare the graphics as nothing so far can’t beat Unreal Engine 4. But the adventure, game feature and experience is almost the same or even better as they offer new adventure for players who are avid of playing ARPG juust like us. And from playing Heroes of Chaos we discover cheats and guides which you can use to win this game. We decided to put it in a list so you are going to understand it easier.

1. Heroes of Chaos cheats auto-pilot bot. This is what we did to dominate Heroes of Incredible Tales and almost all ARPG and definitely we can also use it here. So same concept we will download Repetitouch or any application that can record and play the action you did. In my case I play using Nox Emulator since it has the same feature as Repetitouch. Also with emulator I don’t need to worry with my battery which is the crucial part of grinding and farming. Using Nox or Repetitouch start the record and play the game just you normally do. Make sure the auto-battle is already turned on before recording as you don’t need it to include in your pattern. Complete the level, confirm your victory and then try to play again the same level. Stop the record on the part you started it. Now with the record, you can play it and see it will play automatically and you can just leave your game running while you are sleeping or in work. We know that there is already auto-battle in game but still you need to attend the game every time you complete the stage or in selecting a stage. And that is how this bot will help us a lot so we can have fully automated bot.

Now for the risk, there is a chance for the game and bot to get desync and of course the concept of it is to ensure that they going to be sync always. If there is a case that they get desync the game will stop as the bot is the one playing it. But you don’t need to worry too much because it will not fail cheat only it will cause a delay as the game needs to wait for the bot to complete the full cycle and be sync again as the bot is continuously doing same pattern over and over again.

2. Getting higher tier characters. The easiest way to get powerful character is by smashing an egg. Here you can spend premium currency or either take advantage the free tries daily. The best way to deal with this game feature is to save all your emerald and spend it with golden (x10) smash so you can have a guarantee higher tier character. Also make sure not to missed any single smash. You must try to take a note on how many minutes you need to wait for you to claim your free smash. Just like in the screenshot below, I need to wait 9 minutes and 48 seconds before you can smash blue egg for free.

3. Add friends. This is what the first thing you are going to do every time you play mobile games. Here you don’t need to do something related to a game. So even you are a beginner you can have advantage from simply adding friends. But unlike in common way of adding friends in most Android and iOS games, in Heroes of Chaos you need to add friends manually. This is a disadvantage if you don’t know someone playing the game. Though you can also trick it by simply typing a random name which is a common for IGN such as Kirito, Mark, John and so on.

That’s all for our Heroes of Chaos cheats and guides. We would like to give you more guides but unfortunately there are still bug on game user interface and we can’t provide screenshot for it. Hope they will fix it soon so players can enjoy the full potential of this game.

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