Crime doesn't pay перевод идиомы. С данным решебником также смотрят

7 Продолжи рассказ. Используй эти слова: внезапно, грабить, захватывать, нападать, угрожать, опознал, преступник.

Ответ №1

The attacker came out of the blue. At first he seemed to me a very friendly man who offered to drive me home. I agreed and got into the car, but the minute he started to threaten me with a knife and forced me to hand over my wallet which held my credit card, seven gift cards and some cash. The mugger grabbed my purse, pushed me out of the car and drove away. Fortunately, I remember the number of his car and was able to identify the attacker from a photo at the police station as well. He was a very well-known criminal in the area. Soon, the police caught him red-checked and the court sentenced him to two years imprisonment. By the way, I got my wallet back!

Нападавший появился неожиданно. Сначала он показался мне очень дружелюбным человеком, который предложил отвезти меня домой. Я согласился и залез в машину, но в ту же минуту он начал угрожать мне ножом и заставил меня достать мой бумажник, в котором лежали моя кредитная карточка, семь подарочных карт и немного наличных. Грабитель схватил мой кошелек, вытолкнул меня из машины и уехал. К счастью, я запомнил номер его автомобиля и был способен опознать преступника по фото в полицейском участке вдобавок. Он оказался очень известным преступником в этой местности. Вскоре полиция поймала его с поличным, и суд приговорил его к двухлетнему заключению. Кстати, мне вернули мой кошелек!

Ответ №2

Then out of the blue someone jumped out in front of me and started to threaten me, saying, “Hand over your purse, or I’ll hurt you.” I was in a state of shock as it was the first time anyone had tried to mug me. At first I didn’t want to give him what he wanted, but when he attacked me with a knife I knew I had to do it as I was told. I held out my purse and he grabbed it and ran away. Luckily, I was able to give the police a good description of the criminal and they caught him soon. I identified him as the mugger and he was given a prison sentence.

Затем, внезапно кто-то выпрыгнул впереди меня и начал мне угрожать, сказав «Доставай кошелек, или я покалечу тебя» Я был в состоянии шока, так как такое было в первый раз, что кто-то грабил меня. Сначала я не хотел отдавать ему то, что он хотел, но когда он напал на меня с ножом, я понял, что мне нужно делать то, что мне говорят. Я вытащил свой кошелек, и он выхватил его и убежал. К счастью, я смог дать полиции хорошее описание преступника, и они поймали его вскоре. Я опознал его как грабителя, и ему дали тюремное заключение.

Подумай! Что означает пословица? Согласны ли вы с этим? Почему / почему нет?

Слова Мудрости

Преступление никогда не оправдывается.


Ответ №1

Think! (proverb)

I cannot disagree with this wise statement because even professional criminals, who manage to hide from the police for a long time, are often caught red-handed, arrested by the police and punished eventually. Some robbers, pickpockets, burglars, vandals and other criminals repent of their acts and suffer remorse for the whole life. So crime doesn"t benefit a person. It brings a criminal a lot of problems or even condemns him to life imprisonment. People who do something illegal forget that it is forbidden to do all the things that they want and violate the rights of others.

Я не могу не согласиться с этим мудрым утверждением, потому что даже профессиональных преступников, которым удается скрываться от полиции в течение длительного времени, часто ловят с поличным, арестовывает полиция и наказывают, в конце концов. Некоторые грабители, карманники, воры-взломщики, хулиганы и другие преступники каются в своих действиях и страдают от угрызений совести всю жизнь.
Таким образом, преступление не приносит пользы человеку. Оно наделяет преступника многими проблемами или даже обрекает его на пожизненное заключение. Люди, которые делают что-то незаконное, забывают о том, что запрещено делать все то, что они хотят, и нарушать права других лиц.

Ответ №2

I agree with the proverb because although some crimes may have a financial gain, usually criminals end up in jail or living a violent and unhappy life. Committing crime will not improve your life but rather make it worse.

(Я согласна с пословицей, потому что хотя у некоторых преступлений и есть финансовая выгода, обычно преступники заканчивают жизнь в тюрьме или живут жестокой и несчастливой жизнью. Совершение преступления не улучшит вашу жизнь, но наоборот сделает ее хуже)

7) Continue the story. Use these words: out of the blue, mug, grab, attack, threaten, identify, criminal
Think!) What does the proverb mean? Do you agree with it? Why/Why not?
!) Words of Wisdom
Crime doesn"t pay.

С данным решебником также смотрят:

crime does not pay
Lawbreakers do not benefit from their actions. For example, Steve didn"t think it mattered that he stole a candy bar, but he"s learned the hard way that crime does not pay. This maxim, originating as a slogan of the F.B.I. and given wide currency by the cartoon character Dick Tracy, was first recorded in 1927. There have been numerous jocular plays on it, as in Woody Allen"s screenplay for Take the Money and Run (1969): “I think crime pays. The hours are good, you travel a lot.”

devil to pay, the

devil to pay, the
Serious trouble resulting from some action, as in There"ll be the devil to pay if you let that dog out. This expression originally referred to trouble resulting from making a bargain with the devil, but later was broadened to apply to any sort of problem. A variant, the devil to pay and no pitch hot , first recorded in 1865, gave rise to the theory that the expression was originally nautical, since pay also means “to waterproof a seam by caulking it with pitch,” and no pitch hot meant it was a particularly difficult job, since cold pitch is hard to use. However, the original expression is much older and is the one that survives.

devil to pay|devil|pay

n. phr. Great trouble. Used after "the". There"ll be the devil to pay when the teacher finds out who broke the window. When Jim wrecked his father"s car, there was the devil to pay.

down payment|down|payment

n. A retainer paid to a prospective seller. How much of a down payment do you require for this new car?

have hell to pay



have the devil to pay

Idiom(s): have the devil to pay AND have hell to pay


to have a great deal of trouble. (Informal. Use hell with caution.)
If you cheat on your income taxes, you"ll have the devil to pay.
I came home after three in the morning and had hell to pay.

He who pays the piper calls the tune

Idiom(s): He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Theme: MONEY

a saying meaning that the person who is paying for something has control over how the money is used.
Fred"s father is paying his way through college, and wants to help him choose his courses. He says that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
The bride"s parents should have a say in where the wedding is held since they"re paying for it. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

The person who provides the money for something should control how it is spent

hell to pay

angry people to face, questions to answer When I come in at 4 a.m. there"s hell to pay.

hit pay dirt

Idiom(s): hit pay dirt


to discover something of value. (Slang. Refers to discovering valuable ore.)
Sally tried a number of different jobs until she hit pay dirt.
I tried to borrow money from a lot of different people. They all said no. Then when I went to the bank, I hit pay dirt.


In addition to the idioms beginning with pay , also see call the tune ; crime does not pay ; devil to pay, the ; hell to pay ; lip service ; rob Peter to pay Paul ; you get what you pay for .
* * *
- pay a call
- pay a compliment
- pay a visit
- pay as you go
- pay attention
- pay back
- pay court to
- pay dirt
- pay dirt, hit
- pay for
- pay off
- pay one"s dues
- pay one"s respects
- pay one"s way
- pay out
- pay the piper
- pay through the nose
- pay up
- pay your money and take your choice

pay back

return owed money
"Thanks for buying my ticket. I"ll pay you back on Friday."

pay a call

pay a call
Also, pay a visit ; pay one"s respects . Make a short visit, especially as a formal courtesy or for business reasons. For example, Bill asked her to pay a call to his ex-mother-in-law, or Each salesman was told to pay a visit to every new doctor in town, or We went to the wake to pay our respects. Also see call on , def. 2.

pay a call|call|pay

v. phr. To visit someone. "Come and pay us a call some time, when you"re in town," Sue said to Henry.

pay a compliment

say nice things about, say you did a good job Tony paid you a compliment, Rita. He said you have a lovely garden.

pay a king"s ransom

Idiom(s): pay a king"s ransom (for sth)


to pay a great deal for something. (To pay an amount as large as one might have to pay to get back a king held for ransom.)
I would like to buy a nice watch, but I don"t want to pay a king"s ransom for it.
It"s a lovely house. I had to pay a king"s ransom, but it is worth it.

pay a visit

go to visit someone, drop over I must pay her a visit. I want to see her before we move.

pay a visit to

call on 访问
I paid a visit to Mr.and Mrs.Smith yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我去拜访了史密斯夫妇。

pay an arm and a leg

Idiom(s): pay an arm and a leg (for something) AND pay through the nose (for something)


to pay too much for something. (Informal.)
I hate to have to pay an arm and a leg for a tank of gas.
If you shop around, you won"t have to pay an arm and a leg.
Why should you pay through the nose?

pay an arm and a leg for something

pay a high price for something I paid an arm and a leg for my car but I am not very happy with it.

pay as one goes

pay cash;pay at once当场付清;银货两讫
It"s best to pay as you go;then you will not have to worry about paying debts later.最好能当场付清,这样就不必担心日后负债了。

pay as one goes|go|goes|pay

v. phr. To pay cash; to pay at once; to avoid charging anything bought; to avoid debt entirely by paying cash. Usually used with "you". It is best to pay as you go; then you will not have to worry about paying debts later.

pay as you go

Idiom(s): pay as you go


to pay costs as they occur; to pay for goods as they are bought (rather than charging them).
You ought to pay as you go. Then you won"t be in debt.
If you pay as you go, you"ll never spend too much money.

pay attention

look at or listen to with full attention He never pays attention to what his supervisor tells him.

pay attention to

place importance on注意
Please pay attention to the use of this word.请注意这个词的用法。
Economists are paying close attention to the latest developments in the Middle East.经济学家们正密切注视着中东的最新发展。
Pay attention to uniting and working with those who differ with you.注意团结那些和自己意见不同的人一道工作。

pay attention|attention|pay

v. phr. To listen to someone; hear and understand someone alertly. "Pay attention, children!" the teacher cried, "Here is your homework for next week!"

pay back

repay, return money that was borrowed He said he would pay back every cent he borrowed from us.

pay court to

pay court to
Solicit the favors or affection of, as in If you want to win the daughter, you"ll have to pay court to her mother.

pay court to|court|pay

v. phr. To woo; to shower with attention. He had been paying court to her for three long years before he worked up the courage to ask her to marry him.

pay dirt

a valuable discovery, the dirt in which much gold is found We hit pay dirt when we got the rights to distribute the new product.

pay dirt, hit

pay dirt, hit
Also, strike pay dirt . Make a valuable discovery or large profit, as in We"ve been researching the source of that quotation for a month and we finally hit pay dirt in the Library of Congress. This idiom, from the mid-1800s, refers to a miner"s finding gold or other precious metals while sifting soil. By the late 1800s it had been transferred to other lucrative discoveries.

pay dirt|dirt|pay

n. , slang 1. The dirt in which much gold is found. The man searched for gold many years before he found pay dirt. 2. informal A valuable discovery. Often used in the phrase "strike pay dirt". When Bill joined the team, the coach struck pay dirt. Jean looked in many books for facts about her hometown, and finally she struck pay dirt.

pay down

pay more, pay off Interest rates are high, so let"s pay down our mortgage.

pay down|pay

v. phr. 1. To give as a deposit on some purchase, the rest of which is to be paid in periodic installments. "How much can you pay down on the house, sir?" the realtor asked. 2. To decrease a debt with periodical payments. I"d like to pay down the charges on my credit cards.

pay for

1. give money for付钱
I have paid for these pens.我已付过这些钢笔的钱了。
You pay for it at the time you order it.你订购时就得付款。
2.have trouble because of因…而付出代价
When Bob could not get a good job,he realized he had to pay for all the years of fooling around instead of working hard in school.当鲍勃找不到理想的工作时,他意识到了这些年来他游手好闲,在学校不用心读书,因而得付出代价。
If you don"t work now, you"ll pay for it later when you fail your exams.你现在不好好学,到考试不及格时就得为此而付出代价。

pay for|pay

v. To have trouble because of (something you did wrong or did not do); be punished or suffer because of. When Bob could not get a good job, he realized he had to pay for all the years of fooling around instead of working in school. Mary was very mean to John because she wanted to make him pay for all the years in which he had ignored her.
Compare: MAKE UP(3b), PAY OFF.

pay him back

do what he did to you, get revenge Sally paid Harry back by going on a date with Jim.

pay in advance

Idiom(s): pay in advance


to pay (for something) before it is received or delivered.
I want to make a special order. Will I have to pay in advance?
Yes, please pay in advance.

pay in kind

(See repay in kind)

pay lip service

Idiom(s): pay lip service (to sth)


to express loyalty, respect, or support for something insincerely.
You don"t really care about politics. You"re just paying lip service to the candidate.
Don"t sit here and pay lip service. Get busy!

pay my respects

attend a ceremony or send a symbol of your respect for someone Remembrance Day allows us to pay our respects to the people who defended our country.

pay off

pay in full and be free from a debt, yield good results (the risk paid off) She finally paid off her car so she has lots of extra money to spend.

pay off|pay

v. phr. 1. To pay the wages of. The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday. 2. To pay and discharge from a job. When the building was completed he paid off the laborers. 3. To hurt (someone) who has done wrong to you; get revenge on. When Bob tripped Dick, Dick paid Bob off by punching him in the nose.
Synonym: PAY BACK. 4. informal To bring a return; make profit. At first Mr. Harrison lost money on his investments, but finally one paid off. 5. informal To prove successful, rewarding, or worthwhile. Ben"s friendship with the old man who lived beside him paid off in pleasant hours and broadened interests. John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. He made an A.

Pay on the nail

If you pay on the nail, you pay promptly in cash.

pay one back in his own coin|back|coin|his own coi

v. phr. To retaliate. Jim refused to help Bob when he needed it most, so Bob decided to pay him back in his own coin and told him to go and look for help elsewhere.

pay one"s debt to society

Idiom(s): pay one"s debt (to society)


to serve a sentence for a crime, usually in prison.
The judge said that Mr. Simpson had to pay his debt to society.
Mr. Brown paid his debt in state prison.

pay one"s dues

Idiom(s): pay one"s dues


to have earned one"s right to something through hard work or suffering. (Informal.)
He worked hard to get to where he is today. He paid his dues and did what he was told.
I have every right to be here. I paid my dues!

pay one"s own way

Idiom(s): pay one"s (own) way


to pay the costs (of something) for a person.
I wanted to go to Florida this spring, but my parents say I have to pay my own way.
My aunt is going to pay my way to Florida-only if I take her with me!

pay one"s respect to|pay|pay respect|respect

v. phr. To discharge one"s social obligations by visiting someone or by calling them on the phone. The newly arrived people paid their respects to their various neighbors during their first couple of weeks in town.

Crime doesn"t pay

Kort essay om at kriminalitet ikke lшnner seg.
Sjanger: Essay Lastet opp: 29.01.2003
Sprеkform: Engelsk Forfatter: Anonym
Tema: Kriminalitet

It’s true “Crime doesn’t pay”. I mean if you do something criminal or illegal, is it a lot of things that could happen to you. The police can put you in jail if you do something criminal. You can end up in the court. You can also get a fine, and that’s pretty stupid because many people who do crime is poor and if they don’t have money. They have to steal to pay the fine. But if they steal they be criminal again, and they get another fine. And then they have to steal again. They are in a vicious circle. So the only thing to do to stop the crime is to put them in jail, and let them be there for a long time.

Another thing who can happen if you do crime is that you can feel guilty. All normal people will feel guilty if they do illegal things. And that’s not a good emotion. But I think people who do crime all the time don’t feel guilty. Maybe they feel it the first time, but now the crime is their life.

You see “Crime doesn’t pay”.

Kommentarer fra brukere

En gang i blant skrives det kommentarer som mangler seriшsitet eller som ikke har noe med oppgavens tema е gjшre. Hjelp oss е rydde! Klikk "varsle" nederst til hшyre pе de meldinger du mener mе bort. Sе fjerner redaksjonen kommentarene etter hvert.

28.09.2005 23:58


There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Syns dette var en relativt dеrlig essay, temaet er veldig interresant. Men mеten du formidlet budskapet var en skikkelig party-braker. Grammatikken din er ikke sе bra den heller.
Sе hvorfor du har puttet den pе siden fatter jeg ikke helt:\

28.06.2006 11:41